Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Star Wars: Mythic Aliens, Halflings

Attribute Dice: 12D
DEXTERITY: 2d+2/4d+2
STRENGTH: 1d+1/3d+1
Special Abilities:
Small: Halflings and small and use that to their advantage. They naturally enjoy a +1 to Dodge rolls and +1 to attack rolls against opponents larger than themselves. They are exceptionally good at hiding and enjoy a 1d+1 bonus to any attempt to hide. However, halflings can only carry 3/4 what a human of the same strength can and must use smaller weapons which do -2 damage.
Nimble: Halflings enjoy a +1 bonus on all attempts to climb, jump, or move silently.
Lucky: Halflings almost mystically avoid mishaps and get a +2 bonus on any rolls to avoid negative effects (including poison, Force powers, etc.). This does not include damage resistance rolls.
Fearless: Halflings get a +2 bonus to resist any effect that would cause fear. This stacks with their lucky ability.
Keen Ears: Halflings get a +2 bonus on any perceptions check that depends on hearing. 
Story Factors:
Throwing weapons: Throwing stones is a sport among all halflings and they have remarkable aim. When throwing weapons or using a sling, halfings get a +1 to the attack roll. 
Languages: Halflings usually speak Basic and Halfing. Commonly, halflings learn to speak Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, and Orc. 
Move: 6/8
Size:  0.9 meters to 1 meter

Halflings look like small humans and can be mistaken for children. They are incurably curious and once they gained access to hyperspace technology spread out and explored with almost rabid fascination. They claim no home-world and many believe they originally developed on a world alongside humans. Other claim they cam from another galaxy in their wanderings. Where every they live, they form close-knit communities within the cities of other species (usually humans and dwarves).

Their natural luck and resiliency helped them survive and avoid slavers during the rise and rule of the empire. When the Rebellion rose up against the Empire, many halflings joined. Some helped the Rebellion so evasively that the Rebellion was not even aware of their efforts. Some stories say the only reason the bothan's successfully obtained the Death Star plans was a halflings helped them. When the Empire fell at Endor, the halflings were there and helped to spread the word.

Long ago, they shared a close connection with both the elves and the dwarves. Halflings spies were among the only source of contact either species had to the galaxy beyond their borders.

With peace looming, many halflings seek to relish in the finer things in life. Good food, song, dance, and adventures. 

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