Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Star Wars: Aliens, Protoss

Attribute Dice: 11D
DEXTERITY: 2d+1/4d+1
STRENGTH: 2d+2/4d+2
TECHNICAL: 2d+1/4d+1
Special Abilities:
Telepathy: The protoss have no mouths and speak using telepathy. All protoss are naturally telepathic and can use this ability to communicate with any species capable of speaking.
Photosynthesis: Protoss do no eat or drink, instead, they absorb energy from a form of photosynthesis. 
Story Factors:
Khala: The Protoss are naturally Force-sensitive and know it as the Khala. The only skill in this way is known as Khala.
Long-lived: Protoss have remarkably long lives and live about 1,000 years or more. 
Move: 10/12
Size: 2.9 to 3.1 meters

The Protoss are humanoids around three meters tall with two luminous eyes, typically gold or blue. With two fingers flanked by two opposable thumbs on each hand, two large toes on each foot, digitigrade legs, broad chests and shoulders with narrow waists, Protoss are very agile and physically strong. A bony crest extends back from the crown of the head, with long neural strands sprouting from the back of the head. These strands facilitate the basic psychic communal link all Protoss naturally share. Each Protoss has a different skin shade that corresponds to the tribe from which they are descended. The Protoss do not possess any visible ears (but they can hear, as when humans speak to them or hear what they are thinking), mouths or noses, but are able to communicate telepathically and possess strong olfactory sensitivities. Protoss do not need to eat or drink, but instead absorb energy from a form of photosynthesis. The average life expectancy for a Protoss is about one thousand years.

Protoss society was once tribal with a strong warrior culture, until a planet-wide civil war allowed a mystic, Khas, to access a natural psionic link shared by all Protoss. Khas' discovery and teachings, labelled the Khala, are then used as a base for a new caste-based society. The Judicator caste forms the Conclave, the ruling body of the Khalai Protoss. The Templar caste constitutes the military, and the Khalai caste includes all other Protoss. Khalai Protoss society is stubbornly conservative while maintaining the warrior culture and honor values of the tribal system.

There is a second society of Protoss known as the Dark Templar, a sizeable minority of the Protoss who reject the Khala out of fear of losing their individuality inside the psychic link. The Dark Templar are treated as heretics by the Khalai Protoss and are forcibly evicted from Aiur. Despite their persecution, the majority of Dark Templar do not hold anything against their estranged brethren, seeking to defend Aiur in any way they can. The Dark Templar are nomadic, only settling on the planet Shakuras to study a Xel'Naga temple there. Recently, the two groups began to reconcile, but the reconciliation is marred by mutual distrust.

A third faction of Protoss, known as the Tal'Darim were left behind on Aiur during the Zerg invasion, the splinter group lost their connection to the Khalai society and regressed to a state of aggression and fanaticism.

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