Saturday, August 11, 2012

Random Tables: Castes

In the Maelstrom, before the Reckoning, forces of unimaginable sin began to appear. They were loathsome and desperately attempted to stop the construction of Sanctums. Groups of brave adventurers banded together to face these fiends. From those beginnings the three castes formed. While not directly opposed, they are ideologically different on many levels. Within each caste are four Echelons which represent fundamental beliefs and virtues they attempt to uphold.

The Abyssal Caste were formed by the Nephalim Syf. Like their patron, they are, as a group, Chaotic Good. They revere the Malakhim Azrael and Israphael. The Echelons of the Abyssal caste (and the founding virtue) are:
Dusk (Diligence)
Twilight (Patience)
Night (Kindness)
Midnight (Temperance)

The Lunar Caste was founded by the Nephalim Chavah. They have come to see their patron as a mother of earth and revere the natural order. In keeping with a somewhat druidic view, they are as a whole Neutral Good and revere both Gabriel and Raphael. The Echelons of the Lunar caste (and the founding virtue) are:
Crescent (Temperance)
Gibbous (Chasity)
Half (Kindness)
Full (Charity)

The Solar Caste, brought together by the great Adamah, is generally Lawful Good. As warriors, they revere Michael and Uriel. The Echelons of the Solar caste (and the founding virtue) are:
Dawn (Charity)
Day (Diligence)
Zenith (Patience)
Eclipse (Humility)

But, as he does all things, Samael sought to corrupt the Castes and planted the seeds of sin in Qayin, the son of Adamah. Through him he forged the Outcaste, an organization devoted to evil in any form, with seven Echelons, named only for the sin of their devotion. The Outcaste Echelons are Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Lust, Sloth, Wrath.

Random Caste & Echelon
1. Abyssal Caste, Dusk Echelon
2. Abyssal Caste, Twilight Echelon
3. Abyssal Caste, Night Echelon
4. Abyssal Caste, Midnight Echelon
5. Lunar Caste, Crescent Echelon
6. Lunar Caste, Gibbous Echelon
7. Lunar Caste, Half Echelon
8. Lunar Caste, Full Echelon
9. Solar Caste, Dawn Echelon
10. Solar Caste, Day Echelon
11. Solar Caste, Zenith Echelon
12. Solar Caste, Eclipse Echelon

And, as a bonus:
Random Outcaste Echelon
1. Pride
2. Envy
3. Gluttony
4. Greed
5. Lust
6. Sloth
7. Wrath
8. Roll again (or combine two, the Outcaste are less predictable).

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