Sunday, March 6, 2011


My World of Warcraft account was hacked last night or yesterday. Not sure which. Just about everyone I know who plays the game has had their account hacked. You can run Antivirus software, change your password every month, use an authenticator, whatever you like but when it comes right down to it; if you can't handle being hacked, don't play WoW.

It will happen. Sooner or later, it. will. happen.

I embraced this long ago. So when it happened. I was cool. I had been playing SC2 for the last month anyway. I wasn't neck deep in any major objectives. Not playing till my account is restored is a completely viable option for me.

The hackers were cute though. Left my 3 high level toons with their tabards on. My main had a bouquet of roses in hand from the valentines day event. They also dropped me from my guild. Nice. Thanks, I'm sure that helped you get more gold somehow.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Your Welcome

This right here is so wonderful.

Big version here: