Thursday, July 19, 2012

Notes: d20 monsters to d6 creatures

Typically, a d6 creature stat block looks like this:

Type: Gigantic Pradator
Dexterity: 4d
Perception: 1d
Search (tracking): 3d
Strength: 7d
Special Abilities:
Armor: +3d protection against physical and energy attacks
Claws: Str+3d damage
Teeth: Str+5d damage.
Move: 20
Size: 5 meters tall

Creatures do not get the attributes of knowledge, technical, or mechanical. There are some fairly obvious reasons why. However, often, I will be converting a monster that would have a knowledge, technical, or mechanical attribute. Now, I have my own complaints about the way Star Wars has it's attributes, but I'm not going to reinvent the wheel. It is what it is.

So, I'm going to just convert all monsters over with the three normally unlisted attributes of knowledge, technical, and mechanical. If it doesn't work for you. Sorry about that. I'm basically using the conversion rules from here.

On the "type" line I'm going to just call it what d20 calls it. The d6 stuff uses it as a descriptor line like "arctic predator" or "swamp monster". But I see no reason not to use it to say "large aberration" and leave it be.

Scales in d6 is best described as "wonky". Here is the best I can do as far as a D20 to d6 conversion:

Large size or smaller is character scale
Huge is speeder scale
Gargantuan is walker scale or star fighter scale
Colossal is Capital scale
Colossal+ is Death Star

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