Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Star Wars: Mythic Aliens, Gnome

Attribute Dice: 12D
MECHANICAL: 2d+2/4d+2
STRENGTH: 1d+1/3d+1
Special Abilities:
Low-light Vision: An gnome can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. Gnomes can distinguish color in such conditions.
Force Resistance: Gnomes have an innate resistance to illusionary effects of the Force. They enjoy a +2 bonus to resist Force powers that seek to fool their senses. Curiously, gnomish Force-users enjoy a +1 bonus to their skill checks to use Force powers of illusion on others. 
Keen Senses: Gnomes enjoy a +2 bonus to Perception rolls relying on sight or sound. Gnomes developed alchemical techniques long ago, their keen sense of smell gives them a +2 on Technical skills involving alchemy, chemistry, cooking, and so forth. 
Force Sensitivity: Gnomes are natural Force-sensitive and can use the Force to speak with burrowing mammals. Any gnome with a Knowledge greater than 3d can use the Force powers Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights, and Ghost Sound.
Story Factors:
Weapon Training: Gnome train in weapons and enjoy a +1 bonus to attack rolls when using hooked hammers. 
Ancient Enemies: Gnomes have been at war with kobolds and goblinoids for generations. They have specialized techniques for dealing with such foes and enjoy a +1 bonus to attack rolls against them. 
Giant Killers: Gnomes train to avoid giants. Gnomes get a +1d+1 to dodge checks against attacks from giants. 
Languages: Gnomes generally speak Basic and Gnome. Commonly, gnomes also learn to speak Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Orc. In addition, gnomes can innately speak with any burrowing mammals. 
Long Life: Gnomes are long-lived. Gnomes reach adulthood at 40 years and can live up to 500 years. 
Move: 6/8
Size: 0.9 to 1.06 meters

Gnomes are small but clever and talented. They innately understand machines and the Force. If the records of the gnomes are too be trusted, they may have developed one of the first working hyperdrives in galactic history, but couldn't decide on a reason to leave their home-world for generations.

The gnome home-world is one of the moons of the dwarven home-world. Eventually they travelled to visit their neighbors and joined them in battling giants and goblinoids. The gnomes brought their knowledge of the Force and their technology and most dwarven technology is based on gnomish technology.

Gnomes are natural Force-users and had a strong Jedi culture. During the Old Republic, gnomes travelled the galaxy recording and collecting the history of any culture they could find. The "gnomish bards" are legends on almost every planet. When the Empire rose to power, the gnomes retreated with the dwarves.

With the fall of the Empire the gnomes have returned to the rest of the galaxy along with their dwarven allies. They quickly made contact with the Jedi Praxium to help rebuild the Jedi.

New Weapon

Hooked Hammer
Type: Melee Weapon (double)
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee Combat: hooked hammer
Cost: 20
Availability: Difficult
Damage: Str+1d/Str+2

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