Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Star Wars: Aliens, Hanar

Attribute Dice: 12d
Special Abilities:
Aquatic: Hanar are an aquatic species. They can breath air normally.
Poison: Hanar can poison their foes with a contact poison. The poison does 5d damage on contact. Every round the poison does damage again, but the strength decreases every round by 1d. 
Story Factors
Polite: Hanar are obsessively polite and enjoy +1d on all social interaction skills. However, they are often seen as snobbish, owing to their generally low attribute.
Compact: The hanar saved the drell from their dying homeworld. Now, the two races are very loyal to each other. 
Move: 9/11, swim 10/12
Size: 1.6 to 2.1 meters

The hanar are a race that resemble jellyfish, with a gelatinous body (often pink-skinned) and tentacles hanging beneath.

The hanar homeworld, Kahje, has 90% ocean cover and orbits an energetic white star, resulting in a permanent blanket of clouds. Hanar stand slightly taller than a human and have three fingers at the end of each of their tentacles. Having no physical means of verbal communication, they converse with each other using sophisticated bioluminescence (which modern translators will automatically render into something that can be understood by other races). Many drell apply genetic modification to their eyes in order to perceive higher frequency flashes which allows them to understand the hanar. Their speech is crupulous precision and extreme polite and very eloquent. Being an oceanic invertebrate life-form, they cannot support their physical forms in standard gravity, instead using contra-gravitic levitation packs. Their bodies are 90% water content.

Hanar's extreme cultural obsession with politeness and protocol sometimes leads to problems interacting with other species, which may not understand their rules of etiquette and manners. As the majority of the hanar dominion is entirely self-sufficient and isolated, and thus trade and diplomatic relations are generally unnecessary, this tendency doesn't pose much of a problem with matters of intergalactic state or foreign affairs. However, any hanar who choose to take up residence on alien worlds or who man outposts that come into regular contact with alien races are advised to take special classes that help counter this tendency and smooth-over inter-species relationships. Few technologies are available in their space, and they produce very few goods that are usable by others. Possibly due to their physical frailty, the hanar employ robo-miners to excavate valuable resources.

Several hundred years ago, the hanar made contact with the drell on their nearby homeworld of Rakhana. Drell society was quickly collapsing due to overpopulation and warring over scarce resources, so the hanar rescued several hundred thousand drell and brought them to Kahje, where they integrated into hanar society with the remaining drell dying out. Now the drell serve as a client race of the hanar, and although to outside observers the relationship can be construed as a form of slavery, the reality is very different. Drell have integrated with every level of hanar society, and most consider it an honor to serve a hanar family in a tradition referred to as the Compact. Many drell become unofficial members of the family, and some even earn the privilege to learn their masters' "soul names". Drell servants usually carry out hanar assassinations, as the hanar are too cumbersome out of the water to participate in a physical fight. The hanar have a strong grip and possess strong natural poison.

Every hanar has two names: the "Face Name" and the "Soul Name". The face name is the name that is known to public and referring to oneself as anything more personal, such as "I" or the soul name, is considered egotistical. Among hanar, it is customary to refer to oneself as "I" or by one's Soul Name only among family or close friends; with others, "it", "this one", or the Face Name are used. Financial interaction with the galactic economy is limited, and hanar space has few facilities designed to provide bipeds with a means to operate equipment such as computer terminals, contact generally being limited to border trade stations.

Due to the presence of Prothean ruins on Kahje, the hanar have developed a religion centered on the ancient species, calling them the "Enkindlers". Hanar myths often speak of them as an elder race that uplifted and civilized them by teaching them language. The hanar practice a religious holiday called Nyahir or "First Cresting Bloom" which lasts a full thirteen days and revolves around celebrating the gift of speech, which they attribute to having come from the Enkindlers. It is a mixture of contemplation and competition, with the faithful engaged in stylized debates, poetry duels, and other traditional hanar art forms. The winners of these events have their names inscribed in bio-luminescence on the side of Mount Vassla, an underwater volcano at the heart of one of the oldest Prothean ruins on Kahje.

The hanar are governed by the Illuminated Primacy, a theocracy that worships the Protheans as mythological "Enkindlers", although they are tolerant of other species and the religious and spiritual creeds that they adhere to and espouse. For this reason, they have difficulty seeing the Protheans as an extinct biological species as most other Citadel races do, instead tending to view them as components of their religious mythology. Other races sometimes see the hanar as elitist because of their intolerance for "incorrect" speech (and occasionally refer to them derisively as "jellies"). The hanar themselves are known to become vocal if their religious rights appear threatened in any way, which occasionally causes clashes with other races.

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