Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Star Wars: Aliens, Elcor

Attribute Dice
Special Abilities:
Large: Elcor are large creatures and can usually strike opponents up to 3 meters away. 
Story Factors
Subtle: Elcor communication is extremely subtle. Other species usually can't pick up on it, most elcor overtly state their emotion before speaking. 
Move: 6/8
Size: 2 to 3 meters

Elcor are large, elephant-like aliens that speak in a slow, monotone fashion.

Elcor evolved on Dekuuna, a large terrestrial world with consequently formidable gravity, forcing them to become extremely deliberate with their movements — any minor stumble could result in injury, if not death. Their large, heavy bodies are incapable of moving quickly, but they possess a rather imposing stature and immense strength, as well as thick, tough skin. They move using all four limbs to support and balance their massive bodies; their walk is thunderously loud within Earth-like gravity environments. This physical necessity therefore resulted in a political, social, and cultural philosophy that extolled the virtues of caution, deliberation, and patience. The elcor have highly-attuned olfactory senses, using pheromones, subvocalized infrasound and subtle body movements, rather than tone, to convey meaning and intent when conversing. The elcor found that when they encountered other races, these subtleties were lost on them; because of this, elcor choose to describe their emotions before making any statements, and today have computerized translator programs which do this automatically; Elcor speech is heard by most species as a flat, ponderous monotone.

Prehistoric elcor traveled across Dekuuna in large tribal groups. These groups were led by the eldest and most experienced elcor matriarchs. This may have later developed into the elcor culture of Elders, whose wisdom could keep the tribe safe provided they followed the correct guidance. According to their ambassador, the elcor were just making their first forays into space travel when the asari made contact with them. With their help, the elcor discovered the closest mass relay and, within a single lifetime, had established a regular trade route. The elcor quickly became one of the more prominent species in space.

Elcor usually prefer to stay on their colonies rather than travel in space, which may be why few elcor are seen on other worlds. Possibly because of their size or evolution in the open air, the elcor find the necessary confines of space travel uncomfortable. Evolving in a high-gravity environment where a fall could be lethal has made elcor psychology deeply cautious and conservative. Their culture is built on small, tight-knit groups, and their conservative nature means the elcor government is extremely stable. Despite this, they are always welcoming to outsiders. The elcor economy is small, but extremely well developed. They see no point to rushing things, and are fond of making thorough, century-long development plans. They don't need to trade for any resource—they have all they require to supply their own needs, and trade only in finished goods. Any attempt to embargo their space would be fruitless.

The elcor's main political body, the Counts of Dekuuna, demonstrate this tendency in their political decision-making process; their millennia-old archives are constantly kept up-to-date and are constantly consulted by the Counts when making decisions to ensure that precedent is respected and all options are kept in consideration. As such, the Counts spend years poring over ancient records of jurisprudence to determine the precedent that should be followed in any given situation, in making decisions or enacting laws, sometimes taking decades to decide on relatively simple matters of state. The Elders record closely argued and minutely detailed instructions on what course to follow in any theoretical crisis. These are filed away in huge libraries of data discs and are consulted when needed. This makes elcor policies very predictable, provided one has done a great deal of research.

Though large and physically powerful creatures, they are rarely violent; their slow-movements and conservative psyches makes elcor suitable for spur-of-the-moment decisions necessary in combat situations. However, if pressed into violent situations, their extremely thick hides make them nearly invulnerable to conventional weapons and their extraordinary strength allows them to carry various amounts of heavy weaponry and commensurate ammunition with ease. The elcor mount weapons on their back that are automated and controlled by onboard VI processes. These war machines can choose between thousands of gambits developed and polished over centuries by elcor strategists. They have been referred to as "living tanks."

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