Saturday, March 31, 2012

Neat Idea

I was in the shower tonight and had a cool thought. Here's the gist.

3.x/Pathfinder rules. Heroic Paths from Midnight. Bloodlines from Arcana Unearthed. Gestalt Classes. Any other broken munchkin crap I can find.

Here's the trick: NPC classes, only.

Warrior, Adept, Commoner, Aristocrat, Expert, Thug (from traps and treachery), and Magewright (from Eberron).

We're all gonna die!


  1. so powerful ancestry... but your class gives you very little to work with.

  2. classes, you get two under the Gestalt classes.

    Heroic Path is not really ancestry...I'm not sure how to describe it. It's a focus, kinda like 2e's "kits". You get some themed bonus more or less every other level or so.

  3. That is fantastic. It's like when they made Kinfolk a playable role.
