Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Star Wars: Aliens, Fatu-Krey

Attribute Dice: 12d
KNOWLEDGE: 1d+1/3d+1
STRENGTH: 2d+2/4d+2
Special Abilities:
Low-light vision: A Fatu-Krey can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. Fatu-Krey can distinguish color in such conditions.
Armored Skin: The heavy, plated, hide of the Katu-Frey provides a natural armor of +2 physical and energy. 
Story Factors
Genocidal: The Katu-frey are violent and cruel. Their interactions with other species is generally limited to war and attempted genocide. Their reputation provides them a +2 bonus to all intimidation checks. 
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5 to 2.0 meters

Fatu-Krey are a vicious race, hunting down and exterminating others in an attempt to gain power and for their own entertainment. They live as one society, pledging their servitude to the current Primarch General.

Fatu-Krey are extremely ruthless and vile. Most enjoy the pain of others, often torturing their victims and prisoners for entertainment. Individually most Fatu-Krey are violent and quick to anger.

Fatu-Krey are about the same average height as a human, typically slightly above between 5 and 6 feet tall. Fatu-Krey are somewhat heavier though, usually weighing from 150 to 250 pounds. Their skin ranges from a pale green to a dark brown green, but regardless is much thicker and harder than the average creatures' flesh. They usually wear clothing that demonstrates the Fatu-Krey ideology of military efficiency and intimidation, mostly dark and functional equipment and armor. Most Fatu-Krey also sport a multitude of battle-scars and militaristic markings or piercings.

Fatu-Krey Primarchs stand about half a foot taller than your average Fatu-Krey, with some physical additions that make them stand out at any time, primarily their stronger, nearly plated skin, the bent protrusions from the top of their head, and the bladed flaps on the base of their back which flip upward when they are angered.

The Fatu-Krey are an extremely violent race, and their relations with other races are usually simply a direct attempt and genocide or enslavement. Sometimes the Fatu-Krey will make an alliance with another species, if decreed by the Primarch General.

The Fatu-Krey do not take territory, usually roaming as a nomadic army, conquering a territory, enslaving or slaughtering its inhabitants, then stripping the land of all useful materials to expand and upgrade the equipment of the army before moving on.
Fatu-Krey worship their Primarch General as their only deific figure. They care not for others' religion, paying no attention to the gods of their victims.

Fatu-Krey speak their own language, Kren. It is a quick language of hisses and clicks, good for easy communication between soldiers, another example of the military efficiency their entire culture is based around.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Star Wars: Wraith Starfighter

Confederacy Wraith
Craft: Confederacy CF/A-17G Wraith
Type: Stealth fighter
Length: 10 meters
Skill: Starship piloting: Wraith
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 3d, starship gunnery 3d
Cargo Capacity: 100 kg
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Nav Computer: No
Maneuverability: 1d+1
Space: 7
Atmosphere: 350 / 1,000 kmh
Hull: 4d
Shields: 0d
3 Burst Laser Guns (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
SkillStarship Gunnery
Fire Control: 3d
Space Range1-5/20/40
Atmosphere Range100-500 / 2 km / 4 km
Damage: 7d
2 Warhead Launchers
Fire ArcFront
SkillStarship Gunnery
Load: 20
Cloaking Field: The Wraith has a cloaking field that renders if nearly undetectable by most sensors, including vision. Fire control never applies to attack against the Wraith while cloaked. Further, attempting to hit a cloaked wraith increases the difficulty to hit by +4d. The Wraith can maintain the cloak for 4 rounds. It takes the Wraith 3 rounds to recharge for a round of cloaking. The Wraith must be de-cloaked to recharge. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Star Wars: Aliens, Thermians

Attribute Dice: 12d
Special Abilities:
Amphibious: Thermians can breath easily in air or water. 
Story Factors
Naive: Thermians have no concept of lies, deception, or fiction. They are easily tricked. Lying to a Thermian is done with a +2d bonus. 
Move: 9/11
Size: 1.5 to 2.0 meters

The Thermians are octopoidal creatures using "appearance generators" to make themselves appear human. Being so naïve as to have no concept of fiction, they have mistaken broadcasts of Galaxy Quest as "historical documents", built a full-size working version of the NSEA Protector.

A highly intelligence and technically advanced space faring race. One notable idiosyncrasy of this race is that it never developed the concepts of lies, deception, falsehoods or fiction. Thermains tend to take things quite literally and are easily tricked. As a result, they where brutaly decimated by the Sarris Dominion. From a race that once numbered in the billions at their peak, they now number in the hundreds.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Star Wars: Strakha Starfighter

Kilrathi Strakha
Craft: Kilrathi Strakha
Type: Medium stealth fighter
Length: 17 meters
Skill: Starship piloting: Strakha
Crew: 1
Crew Skill: Starfighter piloting 3d, starship gunnery 3d
Cargo Capacity: 100 kg
Consumables: 1 week
Cost: Not available for sale
Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
Nav Computer: No
Maneuverability: 1d
Space: 5; Afterburner: 9 (1 round, burns 1 day of consumables)
Atmosphere: 295 / 850 kph
Hull: 1d
Shields: 1d
2 Laser Guns (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front
SkillStarship Gunnery
Fire Control: 1d
Space Range1-3/15/30
Atmosphere Range100-375 / 1.5 km / 3 km
Damage: 9d+2
4 Warhead Launchers
Fire ArcFront
SkillStarship Gunnery
Load: 40
Decoy Launcher
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship Gunnery
Fire Control: 0d
Load: 6
Cloaking Field: The Strakha has a cloaking field that renders if nearly undetectable by most sensors. Fire control never applies to attack against the Strakha.